October 21st and 22nd, Thursday and Friday, three intended objectives were attained
- Finalization of CreateView's Smart Classroom (SCR) Training Manual for partner universities in order to carry out the future training modules for SCR technicians,
- Conducted SCR technical training sessions for technical staff from Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. There were 4 participants from MUST; 2 females and 2 males. The team from MUST was given hands-on experience about adjusting the devices' settings, configuration of software and navigating the systems for seamless recording and broadcasting during actual teaching and classroom activities. The most time-talking part was recording of content, retrieving of data, playing back of files, identifying and fixing the lost and inaccurate data (related to all audio and video archives). The MUST technical support staff will be provided consistent support during next week too but the prime focus in next week will be SCR at Makerere University (MU), Uganda,